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Business Studies Overview

"The best investment you can make,
is an investment in yourself...
The more you learn, the more you’ll earn"

Warren Buffett


The Business Studies department's key focus is developing enterprising minds, this is about inspiring students to become enterprising and commercially minded individuals. The curriculum at Whitefield School is highly ambitious and designed to give all students the necessary knowledge and skills they need to live in the business orientated world in which we live. 

It has also been designed to prepare pupils who wish to pursue both academic and vocational Level 3 courses in business and related areas for those who wish to begin an apprenticeship in the field of business. The Business curriculum is planned to develop knowledge and understanding of financial literacy. 

Students have opportunities to develop their financial awareness and to master the skills needed to analyse and interpret financial documents. Business GCSE provides a launch pad for further study in business, economic, commerce and accounting. It provides students with the necessary skills to succeed and become well known employees within their chosen fields. 

Students are expected to be able to talk and write knowledgeably about business, enterprise and the economy, using subject specific language accurately and confidently. They should be able to utilise Business specific skills such as making links between different units of work; analysing and interpreting business case studies and understanding financial information and language.




  • Business GCSE provides a launch pad for further study in business, economic, commerce and accounting. It provides students with the necessary skills to succeed and become well known employees within their chosen fields. ​


  • ​High expectations in Business knowledge and literacy

  • Aspirational target setting

  • High quality assessment

  • Home learning

  • University visits

  • Careers based trips

  • One to one discussions