
Page Documents Date Category  
Access Arrangements Parents booklet.docx 06th Feb 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Access Arrangements Parents booklet.docx 06th Feb 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Accessibility Policy 2022 25 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Admission Policy 2022 2023 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Admissions Policy 2023 2024 03rd Jun 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy 22 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Anti-Bullying Policy Spring 22 16th Nov 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Attendance and Punctuality Policy 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Behaviour and Exclusions Policy 2023 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Behaviour and Exclusions Policy 2024 19th Jun 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Capability Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
CEIAG Policy 2023 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Charging and Remission Policy 23 24 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Charging and remission policy Feb 23 20th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Charging and Remission policy Feb 24 1 19th Feb 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Child Protection and Safeguarding addendum 2022 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 22 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Child protection and safeguarding policy autumn 22 1 20th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Complaints Policy and Procedure 2023 24 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Complaints policy and procedure spring 2023 20th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Data protection policy 22 2023 20th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Data Protection Policy 22 2023 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Data Protection Policy 23 2024 06th Feb 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
DBS Policy 2024 10th Jun 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Disciplinary Policy and Procedure 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Education Trips Policy 2023-2024 01st Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy 22 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
FGB Minutes 13 December 2023 28th Mar 2024 General Documents Download
FGB Minutes 27 September 2023 29th Jan 2024 General Documents Download
Financial Statement for Period Ending 31st of August 2023 15th Jan 2024 General Documents Download
First Aid Policy Oct 2023 29th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Flexible Working Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Freedom of Information 2022 23 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Freedom of Information Policy 23 24 06th Feb 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Grievance Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Grievance Policy 2023 2024 24th Apr 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Health and Safety Policy 23 2024 16th Nov 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Home learning policy 2023_2024 13th May 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
KS3 Reading List 2023 24 16th Nov 2023 General Documents Download
LGPS Discretionary Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Lockdown Policy 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Newsletter 2024 Easter Break 23rd May 2024 Newsletters Download
Newsletter 2024 Spring 22nd Dec 2023 Newsletters Download
Newsletter 2024 Spring Term 2 28th Mar 2024 Newsletters Download
Newsletter 2024 Summer Term 1 19th Jul 2024 Newsletters Download
Protection of Biometric Data Policy 2024 03rd Jun 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Pupil Premium Statement Whitefield School 13th Nov 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
RSE PSHE Policy 2022 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Safer Recruitment Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Safer Recruitment Policy 2023 2024 06th Nov 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
School Travel Policy 22 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Send Policy Autumn 2021 Autumn 2022 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Single Equality Policy Spring 2022 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Sixth Form Prospectus 12th Oct 2023 Prospectus Download
Staff Attendance Management Policy June 2024 10th Jun 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Staff code of conduct policy 2024 10th Jun 2024 School Policies 23-24 Download
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2022 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
TAG Centre Policy Whitefield School 2021 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
TAG Strategy Whitefield School 2021 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Teachers Pay Policy 18th Dec 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
The Use of social networking and online media 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Whistleblowing Policy2023 2024 01st Nov 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Whitefield Prospectus 26th Sep 2023 Prospectus Download
Whitefield prospectus 2022 18th Sep 2023 General Documents Download
Whitefield Register of Business Interests and Attendance 2023 29th Jan 2024 General Documents Download
Whitefield school careers policy 2021 22 20th Sep 2023 General Documents Download
Whitefield School Exams Policy 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download
Whitefield Sixth form prospectus 2023 24 21st Sep 2023 General Documents Download
Whole School Food and Drink Policy Summer 2022 25th Sep 2023 School Policies 23-24 Download